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It is also very important that when setting. Up your stage you worry about the sound, since the space. In which you will record must have good acoustics.

Ideally, you should choose a place that does not have a lot of external. Noise and avoid echoes by using acoustic foam or thick rugs and blankets.

Use adequate lighting
Using natural light is an option when recording videos, but several points must be paid attention to.


Also, be careful with the times you choose to record, because if you start in the afternoon and end at night, for example, the light will change too much throughout the video and it will look unprofessional.

And a great tip: never mix natural light with artificial light. If you decide to use more professional lighting equipment, you will need to leave the environment dark before starting your recording.

Select the necessary equipment

To record your video, it goes without saying that you will need a camera. But if you don’t have money now, you can use a smartphone.

Nowadays mobile phones have good quality cameras that you Jordan Phone Number List can use to start.

But if you want to get an even more professional look, there are different types of cameras you can use: compact, action cam, camcorders or DSLR.

When you use only the camera’s microphone, external noises are picked up very easily, and the voice of the speaker is not very clear. Also, if the camera is a little far from the presenter, the sound of his voice is very distant.

Therefore, make sure you purchase a good microphone before you start your recordings!

Edit your videos

The work of creating good videos doesn’t end after recording

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Actually, editing is one of the most important aspects. At this point you are going to remove everything that didn’t go well, include elements such as lettering and sound effects, use B scenes and even put on background music .

Editing a video may seem like an impossible task, but there are several Jordan Phone Number List online tutorials that teach you step by step using free and super efficient tools.

See, for example, how to edit your videos using Shotcut .

Create a good thumbnail
The thumbnail is the cover image that appears in your videos and is very important to attract the viewer’s attention and make them open the content.

Create images that stand out from the rest and use eye-catching elements such as text and figures.

Ideally, you should look at the camera or at an object that is related to the topic you are discussing.


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