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Trips, flowers, chocolates, romantic dinners… 41% of Spaniards spend between €50 and €100 to surprise their partner on Valentine’s Day (Statista, 2018). What’s more, 27% of Spaniards will buy their Valentine’s gift from their mobile phone. These emotional dates are an ideal opportunity to accompany your clients and help them find the right gift at the right time through SMS. We believe that love travels through SMS, therefore, we share some ideas for messages to send on Valentine’s Day.

Message ideas Send the campaign at the right time

Love cannot be bought with money. That’s what most couples think, as they agree not to give each other anything on Valentine’s Day. They have things very clear, but as the days go by… they change their minds.

You don’t have to look too hard, on February 14th we cale running from Italy Phone Number List here to there with their last minute purchase. Or insistently calling your favorite restaurant on the phone to try to make a reservation.

According to Google data, we tend to leave Valentine’s gifts until the last minute. Only 10% of searches are done the week before.

Give your love life a boost and don’t let your clients miss the date. Send them a promotional SMS a week in advance so they don’t get lost.

EXAMPLE:  Create with judgment

Italy Phone Number List

Psst, psst, next week is Valentine’s Day. Do you have your gift ready? Consult our catalog with the proposed improvements [URL]

2. Offer them your most romantic products
Send your customers a promotional SMS or a landing page Italy Phone Number List withducts, but keep in mind that not all of them have the same appeal. Make sure you get the most out of your SMS campaign by offering the most romantic products in your catalog.

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