Psychology of personalization: why do we want personal experiences?

Not only because of the ease provided by the tools that allow data to be collected and transformed into marketing actions, but also because of the explosion of a new type of consumer: the consumer who wants personal experiences .

In its conception, personalization inrsonal way, thus generating a unique experience.

But here we will not talk about tools or strategies. In this article, we will discuss  understand what stimulates the taste for personalized experiences. Keep reading.

Why we want personalized experiences

Do you remember what it was like to live in a world without personalized shopping recommendations? Without targeted content according to a search we previously performed? Without playlists created based on what we listen to or series indicated according to what we have already seen?

Although not so distant, that time already UK WhatsApp Numbers List seems quite unreal. We like current customization , this is a fact.

Psychology attributes our preference for personalized experiences to two main factors, which are:

Longing for control
The actions we take on the Internet determine the personalized content that appears, for example, on web pages that we enter, and although this content has not been chosen by us, we know that we receive it based on our interests. This gives us a feeling of control that, although it is nothing more than an illusion (since we have not decided anything), still has a strong impact on our psyche .

When we believe we have control over our actions, choices, and the rewards we receive, we tend to become more successful and healthy than those who believe that external, uncontrollable forces are responsible for their destiny, according to Psychology Today .

Therefore, receiving something specifically designed for us gives us a very positive feeling

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information overload
The second factor why we prefer perso about information overload on the Internet.

We know that receiving personalized conte, since it is content adapted to us 100%.

This means that, in practice, we have been which would UK WhatsApp Numbers List require more time and consumption to find exactly what we were looking for.

In the end, we like the idea of ​​not being overloaded with unnecessary information.


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