How can architects use Instagram to grow their results online?

According to ECLAC, in Latin America, SMEs represent around 99% of all companies and employ around 67% of all workers. However, they have a great challenge in productivity and contribution to GDP.

We can find statistics that tell us that the lifespan of an SME is between 1 and 3 years. For this reason, the priority is generating income to survive and having a marketing budget takes a backseat.

What would happen if Digital Marketing was seen as an ally for business growth?

Very few SME companies know in detail the impact and benefits of a digital strategy.


1. Thinking that digital marketing doesn’t work

In Latin America, there are a series of myths that prevent SMEs from overcoming the fear of entering the digital world, losing the opportunity to grow, position themselves and increase their sales.

According to the Internet World Stats website , internet penetration in LATAM is 10% higher than the world average, which is 49.6%. Do you still doubt if your target audience is on the internet?

If you have not yet taken the first steps in a digital stratecommend you start with the following:

Identify your objective
What do you want to achieve? more sales? brand positioning? Make sure it can Cambodia B2B List be an objective that is specific, measurable, achievable and that can be met in a certain time so that it is easier to track it.

Know your buyer personas
A buyer persona is a semi-fictional representation of your ideal buyer. To reach and attract them, know your value proposition and your differential:

What is it that you do so well that no one could imitate you?

Cambodia B2B List
It is important that you keep this in mind and communicate it on your digital channels.

Advise you on digital channels: Whether you contact experts or personally study through reliable sources to learn a little more about the elements of Digital Marketing and you can create a plan to start implementing it.

2. Believing that digital marketing is having a personal Facebook profile
Facebook is one of the many channels you can use when having a digital strategy.

Using a personal profile, that is, the profile where you share your personal information, limits the options that exist for businesses, such as reach, investing in advertising and being able to measure among the main ones.

It is better to create a Fan Page where you can put the description Cameroon Phone Number List of your business, customize the appearance and publish content.

But be careful! Digital Marketing goes beyond Facebook.

There are different channels from the web, corporate blogs, social networks, advertising and identifying which one works best for you will depend on your type of business and the objective you want to achieve.

Digital Marketing for SMEs!
Download the free guide to apply digital strategies in your company

3. Wanting to talk to everyone everywhere
Contrary to the previous point, many SMEs open accounts on all social networks, without knowing the benefits and uses of each one.

In the end, they become abandoned spaces that generate uncertainty about the reliability of the business.

It is better to focus efforts on the networks that suit us for each type of business and constantly feed them with a content strategy.


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