Tips to improve the bounce rates of your email actions

Bouncing can be interesting if you are playing with your children on a trampoline, but in digital marketing it can be a real tragedy.

As? Because? Because bouncing in marketing language means that the person who entered your domain did not stay even 30 seconds, did not even read a letter and left without saying hello. Therefore, if your bounce rate is high, it means that your domain, for some reason, is not interesting. But don’t worry, today we will talk to you about the 7 capital virtues so that this does not happen to you.

Importance of bounce rate
The bounce rate is part of the family of user metrics along with CTR, dwell time, etc. They are more than simple metrics, they are what we call KPIs , that is, in addition to measuring, they indicate performance and trends. We must always remember that not all metrics are KPIs but that all KPIs are metrics.

The bounce rate shows us the interest that your site arouses in surfers, and if it is very high it can mean difficulty in positioning in the SERPs, since the algorithms can interpret that it is the result of a bad user experience.

7 capital virtues that prevent your website from bouncing

And it is quite logical because the ideal pursued by developers is to be synchronized with the speed of thought, since in some way mobile devices are not simple electronic devices, they are extensions of our mind. In that context, the speed USA WhatsApp Numbers List of loading your page is the main virtue that you should look for so that your audience does not bounce.

Adaptation to the Buyer Persona

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The second reason that has the most impact is the inadequacy of who. Marketing has advanced so much in the study of social habits that it has become a human science , to the point that many people are still understanding its power. And really defining precisely the recipient of our efforts is what makes the action effective. Therefore, the second cardinal virtue is adaptation to your Buyer Persona .

3. The update
If it is to always see the same thing, I prefer to stay in my imagination than to enter your page. Very logical too, acquiring information is a qualification process in which we advance, we are hardly going to want to go back, so if you do not update USA WhatsApp Numbers List your content constantly the rebound will be nothing more than something natural.

The user’s desire for knowledge about what is of interest leads him to want more and more information, which is a path of no return, he will always want more and better. It is as the Little Prince said, you become responsible for what you captivate, the third virtue then is: that your contents are current.


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